It has usually present the island with idyllic beaches, like a sand paradise lost in the middle of the Indian Ocean. This is true, but a bit short. What is immediately striking is its isolation. Anchored in the southern hemisphere, Mauritius is located southeast of the Indian Ocean "north of the Tropic of Capricorn" (20 ° N / 57.5 ° E) approximately 230km of the Meeting, 860km of 9.500km of Madagascar and Paris (France). Total area of 2040 km2. The archipelago is composed of Mauritius as well as several small islands and reefs which Rodrigues, Cargados Carajos, of Agalega, St Brandon and Diego Garcia. The area of Mauritius, approximately 1865 km2 representing 91% of the total land area 330km of coastline, mostly sandy and bordered by water. Mauritian waters owe their tranquility for the reason that it is almost entirely surrounded by coral reefs. This natural barrier hinders the heat of the ocean and lagoon form a body of warm water, calm, transparent and fish. Inside, the terrain is pretty sweet. At the heart of the island stands the old base of a gigantic volcano. The central plateau (around 600m above sea level) is highly urbanized. Agglomerations Curepipe, Phoenix, Quatre Bornes and Rose Hill succession without interruption. This region, the wettest is dotted with extinct volcanic craters or intersecting rivers, waterfalls and cascades, former crater lakes, such as Trou aux Cerfs or south Grand Bassin. Edge of the plateau, impressive mountains. Three mountain ranges characterized by fantastically shaped masses of basalt, witnesses of the volcanic origin of the island. Of these chains, several peaks rise: the Piton de la Rivière Noire (828m) the highest point - the Pieter Both (823m) and the Pouce (812m). The island in its larger 65 km long and 45 km wide.
After turn Portuguese, Dutch, French and British, Mauritius beaches surrounded by laughing, its sumptuous colonial mansions, she hides a turbulent history long marked and moderated by conquest, race spices, and especially marked in iron red by the slave trade.

Historians believe that the first visitors of Mauritius were the Phoenician navigators who have dealt with during the first circumnavigation of Africa, sponsored by the Egyptian Pharaoh Necho II, circa -600. Arab sailors visited Mauritius regularly between the 5th century and 10th century. This date marked the beginning of an era of great explorations in 500 years, radically changed the boundaries of the known world. The Arabs gave it the name of Dina AROBI.

Few dates :

(1502-1507) The island was uninhabited when it was discovered by the Portuguese some say that Vasco de Gama Would paved the way to India by sea around Africa. He had visited the island only she posed no immediate commercial interest. His ambition pushing the Far East. It was not until 1505 and the Mascarene to appear the name of the Portuguese navigator Pedro Mascarenhas on a map indicating the Portuguese island. The Portuguese did not settle for that. They introduced pigs, goats, cattle, dogs, monkeys, rats ... The island was named in 1512 Ilha do Cirne "Swan Island" without really knowing if the name refers to one of the ship Fernandez Pereira , or Dodo, the famous big bird that impresses browsers. There is no longer that bird. He was chased by the crew, and they gave eggs to feed the dogs. The Dodo disappeared at that time. Today, it has become the national emblem. It is found everywhere: on stamps, envelopes, stickers .... except in nature.

(1598-1710) The island was occupied by the Dutch. They gave him the name of Maurice because it is the name of the Prince Maurice of Nassau. They exploited the wood more than they developed the cultivation of sugar cane, cotton and tobacco. The Dutch were the first to introduce slaves on the island, the most numerous are the slaves brought from Africa and Madagascar.

(1715-1810) Mauritius came under the control of France, who founded the first colony viable. Dufresne Arsel the claims. The island was renamed Ile de France. Maurice became the possession of the East India Company in 1715, and the king of France in 1767, was the 18th century, the flagship of the French colonial empire in the Indian Ocean trade center and the "race".

December 1810 The island is taken by the British after a defense of the Governor-General Charles Isidore Decaen. In August of the same year took place the only naval victory of Napoleon: The Battle of Grand Port. Which, after being recognized that possession by the Treaty of Paris in 1814, and the island was officially attached to the British Empire. By separate routes of the two sisters. Napoleon exiled to St. Helena, the British agreed to restore the Bourbon Louis XVIII, to better keep the former island of France renamed Mauritius. They left the French settlers the use of their language and the Civil Code. Many of these French settlers remained, forming the group of Franco-Mauritians, landowners and businessmen. They developed the cane, first with a workforce of African and Malagasy slaves.

1835 after the abolition of slavery, the cane spread extensively, first with Indian labor contract, much of which settled on the island.

1867 Mauritius is devastated by an epidemic of malaria. The disease decimated more than half the population of Port-Louis.

1885 The British created a Legislative Council. The island remained a British colony until independence.

1901 Mauritius was visited by Mahatma Gandhi.

1936 the first political party to defend workers' rights was born, the PTR.

12 mars 1968 independence under the leadership of Dr Seewoosagur Ramgoolam by ballot of 07 August 1967.

1982 the Mauritian Militant Movement (MMM), created in 1969 by Paul Bérenger, won the elections. Aneerood Jugnauth became prime minister and remained so until 1995, despite his break (1983) with the MMM.

02 décembre 1990 visit of French Président François Mitterrand.

12 mars 1992 Mauritius became a republic while remaining within the Commonwealth. Thanks to a relatively stable democracy punctuated by free and fair elections and a positive human rights of man, the country has attracted significant foreign investment and has a per capita income of the most important of Africa. The country is a parliamentary democracy in part modeled on the British fashion. The parliament consists of 62 members elected every five years by universal suffrage. The President is the head of state but all constitutional powers are exercised by the Prime Minister and his cabinet. 1993, she hosted the Fifth Summit of the Francophonie.

Décembre 1995 the electoral victory of the coalition of the Labour Party and the Mauritian Militant Movement Mauritian Labour bore the Navim Ramgoolam as Prime Minister.

Février 1999 Riots (after the suspicious death of Joseph Topize says Kaya, reggae), 3 deaths.

Demography, Culture & Traditions
Mauritius is composed of ethnic groups of various origins: Indian (Hindu and Muslim), African, European and Chinese. Immigrants settled in the island several waves of settlement, bringing with them their cultures, their languages, their values and traditions. So much so that today, Mauritius is considered a true cultural potpourri. It is often cited as an example of a country where major world religions coexist peacefully. It is not surprising that Mauritians whose origins belong to three continents, celebrate a number of festivals that reflect the diversity of their cultures. Most festivals are related to religion.

Cooking and Gastronomy:

Mauritian cuisine is a blend of cuisines Indian, Creole, Chinese and European. essential
A visit to Mauritius is incomplete without tasting one of the dishes and other delicacies typical Mauritian.

La rougaille
Prepared with love apples (a local variety of tomato), onions, herbs, garlic, ginger and chilli, rougaille is often served with meat and salted fish or fresh.

Palm heart salad
The heart of palm salad served braised or is the specialty of the Creole cuisine. This preparation is known as the millionaire salad. The kernel takes seven years to grow and every heart extract of the trunk provides approximately 600 grams of edible meat, hence the name Salad millionaire.

The briyani
Specialty kitchen Indo-Muslim, the briyani is cooked with basmati rice is left to simmer in a large pot steam iron (the "deg") with spices and meat or fish. This delicious dish is usually accompanied by a salad of cucumber.

The Fish vindaye
This dish is prepared with fish marinated in a mixture of vinegar, mustard seeds, turmeric with onion, garlic, ginger and chilli in oil revenues. The vindaye be eaten cold with bread or rice.

The rottis
The rotti is consumed by all Mauritians everywhere and at any time. This is a wafer made of a circular shape based on wheat flour and is available in several varieties. The most popular is the faratha enriched with ghee (clarified butter). If the chappati is broad and flexible, poori is a small pancake frying swells and consumed most often at breakfast. The most famous is the dhall poori pooris, slightly chewy crepe stuffed with dhall (grains). Dholl The poori is typically eaten in pairs and is sold by a street vendor on the corner of the street.

The gâteau-piment
The cake is a sweet-pepper salt-shaped ring made with dhall or lens and obviously with pepper. Excellent as an appetizer, cake-chili cake is eaten as an appetizer or as a starter.

Just as popular as the cake-pepper, samosa, sweets salty triangular stuffed with vegetables, meat, fish or cheese - made the delights of Mauritius at any time.

Fried Noodles
The noodles, commonly called "mine fried" in Mauritius, are probably the most famous dish and enjoyed Chinese cuisine. These pastes are better than cooked in a large wok with soy sauce, chives, garlic, vegetables or meat.

Despite its name, its a Neapolitan pastry sweet unique in Mauritius. Consists of two cookies pastry filled with guava jelly from China, the Neapolitan is crowned with a beautiful pink batt layer.

- The Mauritian Sega: music is diverse influences. Maurice's heart beats to the rhythm of Sega. The music, the songs, the dance derived from African music era of slavery in Mauritius and clean, have become synonymous with joie de vivre. Rubbing feet, swaying hips, Creole texts are an integral part of the music. Several types of Sega coexist today in Mauritius. The typical Sega (where the only instruments are ravanne the maravanne and triangle) has its followers fans. Sega today is marked by contemporary influences with the introduction of modern instruments. Local representations are numerous especially on Saturday night. Often, this moment of celebration takes place on the beach in front of a big fire. Groups Sega style perfected give performances in most hotels. Ottawa - The Indian dance: All the dancers lined with beautiful fabrics, moving to the rhythms of traditional music very sophisticated Hindu: this is one of the most charming spectacles to meet in the evening in the hotels.
- In 1847, Mauritius became the fifth country in the world to issue postage stamps, after Britain in 1840, Switzerland and Brazil in 1843, the United States in 1846, Mauritius has been the third country in the world to issue stamps and the first authorized to do so by the British Empire it was a colony in 1847. The two types of stamps, Post Office Series (Red and Blue Penny Penny), are among the most famous and most expensive in the world.
The Dodo:
- At the time of its discovery, Mauritius housed a species of bird that was previously unknown. The Portuguese called the dodo (simpleton), because of its appearance nonchalant. However, in 1680, during the Dutch period, this species had completely disappeared. Storybooks in the disappearance of the dodo has long been attributed to abuse of Dutch settlers. But recent studies show that it was rather due to predators devouring their eggs. The dodo became the emblem of Mauritius.
- On September 9, a pilgrimage gathers each year between 100,000 and 200,000 Mauritians, not only of the Catholic faith, at the tomb of the Blessed Jacques-Désiré Laval (1803-1864), St. Croix, in the suburbs of Port- Louis. Ottawa - The country is a member of the Francophonie
- September 9, a pilgrimage gathers each year between 100,000 and 200,000 Mauritians, not only of the Catholic faith, the tomb of the Blessed Jacques-Désiré Laval (1803-1864), St. Croix, the suburbs of Port-Louis.

- The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. It is celebrated each year on a different date (January / February), this day is a holiday. Its celebration is always accompanied many explosions of firecrackers. Red, symbol of happiness, is the dominant color. The "foong pao '(red envelopes containing money) are offered to parents and children, and traditional cakes and other treats, such as cake' wax ', the' chipek 'are distributed to family and friends. Feast of the Dragon Lantern Festival or just close the celebrations of Chinese New Year, a fortnight after the Spring Festival. costumed parades and dancing dragons and lions enliven the streets of Port-Louis and cities Plaines Wilhems. Festival The Mid-Autumn Festival, better known as the Moon Festival, takes place in September. It commemorates the victory of the Chinese on the Mongol invaders. cakes shaped moon are offered to parents and friends . According to tradition, these cakes contain the date of the insurrection before the revolt.
Hindu Festivals
- The Hindu festivals are always spectacular and give rise to public celebrations.
The Feast of Cavadee: is celebrated January / February is a holiday. It is among the most impressive festivities Tamil. Body pierced with needles, tongue and cheeks pierced with pins, devotees in a trance and penance walk wearing the 'Cavadee'. This wooden arch covered with flowers, which carries at its base a pot of milk is placed in the temple at the feet of the deity. Despite the long walk in sweltering heat, the milk should not turn. Walk on fire, practiced by the Tamils, primarily occurring in December or February. After ten days of purification by fasting, meditation and prayer, the penitents go to the temple and slowly through a brazier of coals and soak their feet in milk to soothe the burning ardor.
Maha Shivratree: is one of the most popular festivals of the island (holiday). It takes place over five days in February and ends with the great night of Shiva. Having stayed up all night, devotees dressed in immaculate white are the 'kanwar' wooden arches covered with flowers and mirrors in procession to Grand Bassin to take the holy water of the lake. The scene recalls the great rituals celebrated on the banks of the Ganges.
Divali: This is the festival of light, joy, happiness for all, celebrate the most cheerful and busiest of all Hindu festivals. Celebrate Divali is taking advantage of the light against darkness, knowledge against ignorance, of good against evil. Diwali, or Deepavali, Hindi comes from two words: "deepa" means light and "avali" row. Which describes the marvelous spectacle that we have before us. All these lights are supposed to guide the goddess who brings Luckshmi land wealth, opportunity and development of the mind. This holiday in October or November, also marks the victory of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana and symbolizes the victory of good over evil. At nightfall, modest houses or luxurious shine a thousand lights. The doors and windows are wide open to let the good fortune in the house. Over the years, Divali is celebrated also by the rest of the Mauritian population in his way.
What the tourists do not know is that during the days before the Hindu families were put to work to thoroughly clean their home. They decorated the floor with colored powders that perform sacred designs: the rangolis. They prepared delicious meals and packed with great care they distribute cakes and sweets to their family, friends and neighbors, but also to tourists. Because the symbolic Divali makes sense in sharing and offering these cakes made many gestures as a sign of peace and love. Men have been tailor a suit to traditional Hindu fashion and offered a new shimmering sari to their wives. It should make a splash!
Holi: is a wealth equals the many legends that inspire. It is the festival of joy, in which men and women sprinkle colored water and powder. This is the time of celebrations and exchange of vows.
Christian Holidays
- Christians are doing all the festivals of the religious calendar with intense fervor.
Christmas with the Christmas tree and gifts, affects the entire population, across communities. Santa is present in homes and shopping centers. Before Easter, many believers practice fasting. Easter Monday is largely idle. Families spend the day at the beach around the traditional picnic which always ends by Sega. All Saints Day is celebrated by Christians on the island, although it is not a holiday. November 02 (holiday also marks the arrival of the first Indian immigrants in Mauritius) allows Christians honor their dead. The feast of Blessed Father Laval is a popular festival specific to Mauritius. On the night of September 8 to 9, Mauritians of all faiths, throng the tomb of Father Laval Sainte Croix. Miraculous healings attributed to the French missionary, evangelist freed slaves, called the apostle of the blacks. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 19 April 1979.
Muslim Holidays
- Muslim festivals are summarized most often collective prayers at the mosque and family meals. The vast majority of Muslims are Sunni Mauritian moderate, very active on the
The Id Al-Fitr, the holiday, the celebration is undoubtedly the most followed and religiese knit Muslim believers. They celebrate with joy the end of the fasting month of Ramadan with prayers, exchange of gifts, greetings, family visits and alms to the poor. The Yaum-Um-Nabi (peace be upon him) commemorates the birth of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). On this occasion, the faithful gather in the mosque to listen to the story of his life. Id-al-Adha is observed to commemorate the sacrifice of Prophet Abraham. On this occasion, animals were sacrificed (sheep, goats or cattle) and three equal parts are made for the poor, relatives and family. The Ghoon, which commemorates the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, a descendant of the Prophet is celebrated by a small minority Shiite and Sunni few. The procession runs only the streets of the Plaine Verte, a suburb east of Port Louis combining a strong Muslim community.

Flora and Fauna

Once a lush forest covered the entire island. Cleared by Dutch settlers and French, to develop the cultivation of sugar cane, it was almost completely destroyed. Mauritius still retains some remnants of primary forest, past, natural forest covered much of the island. Today, there are only 3% of natural forest called primitive. The fault lies in the development of sugar cane. Vast expanses of sugar cane fields are now the Mauritian landscape. There were teak, rosewood, ebony, wood mat and tambalacoque have been exploited for export into the 70s. Today, there are only a few natural sites. They are protected and easily accessible. We find the National Park Black River gorges, famous for its beautiful rainforest, the round island, Ile aux Aigrettes.

Moreover, the change of scenery ..... Arriving there, you'll be surprised notice of such an explosion of shapes, flavors and colors. you discover some trees, such as:
- traveler's tree, whose foliage displays a huge fan. These sheets were used to cover the roofs of houses.
- The flamboyant with its beautiful bunches of red flowers. "Visible from December to February."
- The Banyan admirable for its huge volume. It is also called as a result of multiplying its branches such as liana fall to the ground to take root.
- The Australian pine, pine so small and slender with fine needles. It borders the most beaches. It allows to sand through the roots.
- The almond tree, its nuts rich in tannin has medicinal properties.
- The Vacoas, it is used in basketry.

Other species: The mangrove frangipani "very fragrant" a variety of coconut and palm trees, like the macaw which are the wealth of Pamplemousses Botanical Garden. Rare but no less curious: the tambalacoque. Flower lovers can arm themselves with photographic film. The most beautiful flowers bloom on the coast such as: Oleanders, lilac, multicolored bougainvilleas, hibiscus, orchids, anthuriums red and white, red and green poinsettias, birds of paradise, alpinias red trochetias the purple flowers of the jacaranda , those of the yellow alamanda ......... A firework of colors and scents. The interior is the wettest area of ??ferns, vines, bamboo, guava China and France.
Considering that almost half of the plant species on the island exist nowhere else. For fans of the Flora of Mauritius, most can be seen in the famous garden of Pamplemousses.

Fauna :
You could count fifty species before the arrival of man. Like Flora, Mauritius is home to very few species. Native wildlife has suffered the brunt of import competition. Most have disappeared, as the giant tortoise, the rattle a "wader" ..... and the famous dodo. This plump bird with a hooked beak, wings atrophied. It is the emblematic animal of Mauritius, extinct. This huge bird weighing about 25 kg, disappeared at the end of the seventeenth century, hunted by humans and animals imported. The colonization of the island has not been very profitable for wildlife, many species that existed before the arrival of the man disappeared. Some endemic birds, a great rarity, were able to survive in the primeval forests and some islands North (Coin de Mire Island, Snake Island and Round Island). Among the best known: a small raptor, the kestrel (Falco punctatus), a beautiful green parrot (Psittacula eques echo) or a pigeon pigeon named ponds or pink pigeon (Columba mayeri).
Maurice has preserved colonial monkeys made by the Portuguese as well as deer and wild boars introduced by the Dutch in the seventeenth century Eème. They usually hide in the lush mountain forests. The English brought mongooses to control the proliferation of rats but also huge turtles (Aldabra) from the Seychelles, that can be seen only in parks.
Among the native or exotic species, it is common to see birds like the bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) called "Conde", easily recognizable by its black puff and enjoying especially papaya, weaver (Ploceus cucullatus - also named Maurice " Serin du Cap ") yellow, which weaves strange nests hanging from the ends of the branches, the Cardinal de Madagascar (Foudia madagascariensis) the male is adorned with a bright red plumage, not to mention the dove (Geopelia striata) martin or the Indian Mynah (Acridotheres tristis), and on the coast, blue heron (Butorides striatus) or in the sky, the beautiful straw-tailed (Phaethon lepturus).
The only native mammals are fruit bats and insectivores.

As for reptiles, there are the inevitable gecko, a small lizard known in the tropics, chameleons and many other species of lizards. There are two kinds of harmless snakes (snakes) and two endemic species of boas that live only on Round Island.

If on land, wildlife is not very diverse, seabed offer a spectacle: tropical fish, corals, nudibranchs, octopus ... Dolphins usually frequent the Bay of Tamarin, Black River Bay, the coast of Albion. Unfortunately, the growing number of ecotourism boats may well drive them. Further offshore, we encounter sharks, whales and sperm whales as well as sea bream, swordfish and marlin, which are the delight of fishermen!


Mauritius has a mixed legal system of law. Apply to the right of French origin, including the Civil Code and English Common Law. Corresponds to the judicial rules of procedure largely English with some variation. The hierarchy of the courts and from the top to lowest: the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and the Supreme Court of Mauritius (including a court of first instance and appeal) courts and judges. The political and institutional system is a parliamentary system. The chief executive of the Mauritius Prime Minister. The President has no decision-making power, but symbolizes abroad the Republic of Mauritius. He is elected for five years by the National Assembly. Parliament consists of a single chamber (unicameral). 70 Assembly members, 62 are elected directly by popular vote (3 for each of the 20 districts representing Rodrigues and 2), while eight are appointed to represent ethnic minorities. Their choice depends on the election results. Parliament is headed by the Prime Minister, Head of the parliamentary majority and a cabinet. The scheme operates based on the British model called "westministérien." The three main political parties of the country are the Labour Party (PTr currently in power), the Mauritian Militant Movement (MMM) and a movement was born in 1980 from the division of MMM, the Militant Socialist Movement (MSM). As their names suggest, each of these three parties claiming left and is affiliated or has taken steps to be admitted to the Socialist International. The next general elections are scheduled for 2010. The country has 225 prisoners per 100 000 population, a high rate compared with other rates reported in the world


The population of Mauritius is the result of several waves of immigration, first French settlers, then the slaves from Africa, as the Chinese merchant and ultimately led to the Indians willingly or unwillingly in the island to work in the sugar cane fields. The constitution makes no mention of Maurice official language for the country. However, English is used by the administration. However, French is the most widely used in the business world. Creole, French lexical base and enriched with contributions from other language is the mother tongue of more than 90% of the population. Several oriental languages ??are also spoken, including Bhojpuri (mixture of Creole and Hindi), Hindi, Urdu, Tamil and Hakka, a Chinese dialect. These are spoken by the descendants of immigrants from India and China. Most Indo-Mauritians are Hindus constitute 70% of the population. Other religions are Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. The rest of the population is Chinese, African, French or Métis. French is growing, but the Creole adopted more English words.


The Mauritian flag flies proudly in the trade winds. Four colors that perfectly summarize this island known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean:
Motto: In French: The Star and Key of the Indian Ocean
National Anthem: Motherland
Emblem: The dodo, a bird disappeared, the emblem of the country.

Red. For the blood spilled in the many conflicts that have marked its history. For the fury of the winds causing devastating cyclones. But also more pleasing red, more festive, full of passion for Sega, accompanied by traditional music and rhythmic dance where lascivious bodies undulate, open, curve, skim the rhythms of percussion.

Blue. To the sea of course that reveals an infinite range of blue: the blue lagoon blue indigo depths of the ocean. But also for the blue sky in which the clouds captivate our imagination by their changing shapes.

Yellow. For the omnipresent sun which burns the horizon at dusk. For heat, scorching and clammy. For decorating the sandy beaches of the coast. And finally the curry, saffron or cardamom that flatter our taste buds through a local food very spicy.

Green. For its velvety green landscapes, fields of sugar cane out of sight, its lush vegetation that seems to grow more vigorously than elsewhere. And its sacred lake of Grand Bassin, a place of Hindu culture, imbued with spiritual power undeniable.


Here, for the French, this is the icing on the cake. Although the official language is English, Mauritians speak Creole, French cleverly transformed this simplified, where we write links with "z", where the words are linked with "n", where eventually what appears to be a reduction of terms at first turns into linguistic richness tasty. The French is the language most used after the Creole. We can understand it with little effort or experience. At school, English is the dominant, as in official documents, but the newspapers if they want to sell, must write in French. That for once a country where French kept a charismatic power and historical if not legislative.
The Hindi is taught in school, but it is the Bhojpuri is spoken in the Indian communities (sort of Creole Hindi) and Cantonese, Hakka and to a lesser extent, in Mandarin Chinese ....
Few local language expressions :
Bonjour: Bonzour
Au revoir: Salam
Demain: Dimain
Comment ça va ?: Ki manière ?
Bien merci :Mo bien, merci
Monsieur: Missié
S’il vous plait: Si ou plé
Où est-ce ?: Kote sa ?
C’est bon :Li bon
C’est très bon: Li mari bon
Pas de problème: Péna problème
Aujourd’hui: Azordi
Quel heure est-il ?: Kil ère là ?
Il fait chaud: Fer so
Où sommes-nous ?: Kot nou été ?
Je t’aime: Mo content twa
Un coquillage: Ene coqui
Le marché: Bazar
Médecin: Doctère
C’est cher: Li ser
C’est top: Li mauvais bon
Je m’en vais: Mo pé allé

Useful info 

Mauritius, formerly Isle of France, is an island in the southwest Indian Ocean located
at the heart of the Mascarene archipelago between Reunion west and the island of Rodrigues to the east. from
March 12, 1992, it forms with the latter a republic called the Republic of Mauritius
after gaining independence on 12 March 1968.
Territory Name: Mauritius (French) - Mauritius (English)
Status: Independent Republic
Head of State: Sir Anerood Jugnauth, President
Dr Navin Ramgoolam, Leader of the Government (Prime Minister)
National Day: March 12
Flag: 4 horizontal stripes: red, blue, yellow and green
Capital: Port Louis
Main cities: Beau Bassin, Quatre Bornes, Curepipe, Vacoas-Phoenix, Rose Hill, Mahebourg
Neighboring countries: None
Highest point: Piton de la Petite Rivière Noire 828 m
Demonym: Mauritius
Archipelago: Mascarene
Location: Indian Ocean
Geology: Volcanic Island
total area: 2,040 km2 it includes Mauritius, which represents 91% and more
small islands and reefs which Rodrigues and Cargados Carajos and archipelagos
Agalega and St. Brandon, Diego Garcia.
Area: 1865 km ² ranked (168th)
Population: 1,268,835 inhabitants (2008).
Density: 680.34 people per km2 (2008).
Official Language: English
Languages??: Creole, French, English, Bhojpuri, Hindi, Chinese.
Religions: Hindu (52%), Catholics (32%), Muslim (16%)
Currency: Mauritian rupee (1 euro = 42.50 rs and 10 rs = 0.23 euro)
Internet domain:. Mu
Calling code: +230

Other infos :

Time difference: GMT +3 hours in summer, GMT +4 hours in winter
How to get there: Several times a week (Air Mauritius, Air France, British Airways, Corsair, LTU, etc.)
Passport / Visa: A passport valid for 6 months after the return date, return ticket required.
Vaccinations: No vaccinations required
Silver: Mauritian rupee
1 Euro = approx. 43 RS
1 Swiss Franc = approx. 26 RS
Electric current: 220 volts
Accommodation: hotel, apartment, villa or homestay
Food: Creole cuisine, Indian, Chinese and European
Stores / shopping / souvenirs: fabrics, clothes, spices, wooden models and small handicrafts or from Madagascar (baskets, statues, masks, drums, etc.).
Newspapers: Newspapers in French: L'Express and Le Mauritius.
Nightlife: No evening activities. Restaurants and nightclubs. Cinemas, only in the regions of Port Louis, Rose-Hill, Curepipe and Mahebourg, otherwise animations in hotels.

Different occupations day: The island offers many pleasures varied landscapes always surrounded by the ocean out of sight, beaches and beautiful lagoons, 4x4 rides, days at sea around the islands North watersports, golf, tours inside the island, places to visit. . . . . . . . And exotic cuisine. Finally, the island is famous for the legendary friendliness of its people and its sense of hospitality. The plurality of cultural identities is a source of enrichment permanent.


Since its independence in 1968, Mauritius has experienced rapid economic development. The island is moved from a status of low-income countries, whose economy was based on agriculture, country status says emerging middle-income diversified economy that is based on industrial and financial sectors in full growth and tourism. During this period, annual growth has been of the order of 5% to 6%. This remarkable result is reflected in an improvement in life expectancy, lower infant mortality and a large infrastructure development.
Sugarcane is planted on about 90% of the cultivated area and constitutes 25% of foreign trade income. A historic drought has severely damaged, however, the sugar harvest of 1999. The government's development strategy centers on foreign investment. Mauritius has attracted over 9,000 companies 'offshore', many of whom are dedicated to commerce in India and South Africa. Mauritius is also a flag of convenience. The banking sector has made over a billion dollars of investment. Economic performance in 1991-99 remained strong, with an unemployment rate limited. However, the Mauritian economy may resort to a major restructuring in the years to come. Indeed, the reform of the EU sugar market for heavily will affect the country's export. Thus, other sectors need to be developed to build new pillars of the economy (services, etc.).
The island also heavily on the tourism industry to generate more wealth and create jobs. In 2006, Mauritius has welcomed 788,000 tourists, mostly from France. There are currently 99 hotels in operation in the country, including 42 with more than 80 rooms. To attract more tourists, the country began liberalizing air access and lines like Corsairfly and Virgin Atlantic can now serve the destination.
The construction of luxury villas is set to become a new hub of economic growth. With this new type of development combined with the opening of the country to foreigners, Maurice starts a new era of development, which is already bearing fruit in terms of foreign direct investment and job creation and is called to change the face of the country, in the longer term. The IRS has quickly attracted the attention of dozens of local and foreign developers. For proof the authorities have received more than two dozen such projects representing investments of Rs 100 billion and with a potential to create 12 000 jobs. In total, only with these projects, more than 2000 luxury villas are expected to emerge in the next two to five years. Cybercity desired by the government is located in Ebene south of the capital. It should enable the development of sector information technology in Mauritius. The final goal is to make the latter a "Cyber ??Island" and therefore an alternative to the sugar industry threatened by international agreements. Activities possible thanks to jet lag GMT +4 have enabled the emergence of call centers and Disaster Recovery sites. The submarine cable project was to provide the technical basis for relocation of some activities in Mauritius. Since 2006, with the signing of an agreement for the deployment of submarine cable, Mauritius is poised to fill this gap but pushes the 2008-2010 minimum maturity security project.


There is no strain to fear serious tropical disease. That said, Mauritius is exposed to other common tropical diseases transmitted by insect bites, especially the crazy, bites he agrees to preserve at best. As a precaution, we can take drugs against diarrhea. But it is especially the sun it will protect. Hats and sunscreen are highly recommended

Except for the people who come from areas at risk of yellow fever. As everywhere in the world, it is recommended to be up to date tetanus vaccines, polio, diphtheria hepatitis B. WHO also recommends the vaccine against hepatitis A. Maurice physicians are not as well equipped in Europe but they correctly treat minor injuries that can result from tourists. There are many private hospitals best equipped on the island.


If you're not in France, are welcome in one of our embassies or consulates one of our nearest you to obtain more information on Mauritius. We therefore suggest that you visit the Consuls and Embassies of Mauritius in the Useful Links section to the right of your screen. The Embassy of France in Mauritius
14 rue Saint Georges, Port Louis
Tel: + 230 202 January 00
Fax: + 230 202 January 10th

Embassy of Mauritius in France
127 rue de Tocqueville, 75017 Paris
Tel. : 01 42 27 30 19

Visiting Mauritius

Port – Louis

Capital and main commercial port of Mauritius. Port-Louis is more like a large village than a real hectic capital. This is what makes it nice. Port Louis was founded by the French Governor Mahé de La Bourdonnais in 1735. Its harbor lies at the foot of the mountains that protect it forming around an arc. The city center today financial activities, a lot of charm and historic buildings proudly attest its former splendor. The city of artists to discover.

To Visit

La place d’Armes

This is the great place and the birthplace of Port-Louis, lined with elegant palm trees and three alleys that date back to the palace of government, structure of the eighteenth century. It can not be visited. This is one of the oldest buildings in the city: the ground floor and the first floor were built in Mahé de La Bourdonnais, while the second floor preserved the fire of 1816, was built by the last French governor. Yesterday, the summer residence of colonial governors - this is where the invitations went to the governor's ball September 30, 1847, stamped by the famous "two pence" - the palace is today the seat of Parliament, who found no better than to build a bunker for its discussions.
At the bottom of the square, the palm trees, the statue of Mahé de La Bourdonnais, founder of the city, behold forever and always docks.
At the top of the Place d'Armes, the Government Palace, with front, a statue of Queen Victoria.

Les Cathédrales

There are two main cathedrals in the city. The Catholic Church of St. Louis, located behind the Government Palace and opposite the courthouse and St. James Anglican Church, located in Powder Street. The first has been repeatedly rebuilt. To his left is the Episcopal Palace, the colonial style of the nineteenth century and a beautiful garden. Cathedral of St. James is located on a powder keg, transformed by the British in place of worship in 1812 and consecrated in 1850. In the last century, its mighty walls housed the people who have sought refuge against cyclones.

Aapravasi Ghat Immigration Depot -Patrimoine mondial

The site of the Aapravasi Ghat was inscribed on the World Heritage List July 16, 2006 at the 30th session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO in Vilnius, Lithuania. The remains of filing immigration deposition patterns built in the second half of the nineteenth century to accommodate the immigrants involved.
The majority of Mauritians can trace the arrival of their ancestors on this site has hosted more than half a million immigrants between 1834 and 1920. This site is a symbol of significant importance for Mauritius. Each year, the day of November 02 is dedicated to the official commemoration of the arrival of the first indentured laborers.
Mauritius was the seat of the Great Experiment in which the British wanted to show the world that the recruitment of free men and women was more effective than the use of slave labor. The vast experience having ended in success as English, it was repeated in other British colonies, and colonies in French, Dutch and Spanish. More than 2 million people from Asia and Africa migrated in these colonies.

Le marché central dit « le Grand Bazar »

Picturesque central market in Port-Louis, built in 1828 on swampy ground. Once there was a boat, like the floating market. Rebuilt in 2004, it remains the rallying point for Mauritians and tourists. It is undoubtedly the most vibrant city and tourists have not distorted the atmosphere There is everything that makes the charm of Mauritius crafts, vegetables, "dholl purri" known as the merchant must teas. We can do good business condition bargain.

Le Caudan Waterfront

On the site of the old docks, 400 meters from the Grand Bazaar, one passes from one world to the other, to the delight of the ladies. The architecture combines the bold tradition. Le Caudan is opposite the dock. It is the palace of consumption. It is evening and the weekend that places come alive. Its shops, fast food restaurants, cinemas, arcades, a casino "caudan" is the pride of Mauritians delighted to have a modern shopping complex and smart

La Citadelle

Built between 1834 and 1840 at the time of Governor Sir William Nicolay, the Citadel (Fort Adelaide) should discourage any attempt of revolt among the population portlouisienne in the abolition of slavery. Subsequently, this fort dominates Port Louis, was used to prevent fires, when a fire broke out in the city, at the time the buildings were made of wood, a cannon attracted the attention of the population. The Citadel is currently under renovation and will soon be the hub of choice for artists and musicians.

Le quartier chinois

Chinatown is picturesque and interesting. Picturesque with its merchants' mines boiled "and" fish balls "interesting because there is almost everything at a price defying any competition often. Strolling in this area is a real pleasure because the surprise is around every corner. Do not miss the printer who always made his journal the old and do not hesitate to go snooping in small shops.

La mosquée Jummah

Built in 1853, the Jummah Mosque is the oldest mosque in the island. Royal Street Located in the city center, the mosque is impressive for its architecture which is reminiscent of Moorish art. Its large door carved teak is a true masterpiece. It goes without saying that the Jummah Mosque is one of the most popular mosques on the island.

Le Champ de Mars

Founded in 1812 by an Englishman, Colonel Draper, the Champ de Mars is the oldest racecourse in the southern hemisphere and the second in the world for its age. From May to November, the racing season attracts thousands of hungry Mauritian paris. It is the Champ de Mars (named after the Champ de Mars in Paris) that was proclaimed the independence of Mauritius in 1968. The Champ de Mars was in the thirties and the eighties, the place of choice for large gatherings of masses in the political events of the highlights of the history of the island.

Histoire Naturellle Musuem

The Natural History Museum is housed in a listed building built in 1884. You can see two of the dodo skeletons and those of other birds disappeared but also a fine collection of specimens of marine species. So you can admire a huge whale skull and two specimens of giant green turtles.

Le musée du Moulin à vent

The mill was built in 1736 at the request of Mahé de La Bourdonnais to feed the port workers. Reconstitution is a great success. In instardu Mill St Malo in France, it has a swivel top. Original photographs or contemporary tools, grinding wheels .... You can ask the guide to make a film on the renovation and operation of mills in general.

Le musée de la photographie

The museum has a fine collection of cameras nineteenth century and early twentieth century. This is one of the largest collections in the world pictures and one of the treasures of Mauritius.

Blue Penny Museum

To Caudan Waterfront, this new museum pays tribute to the Mauritian heritage through art and history: the discovery and colonization of the island, the history of Port-Louis and Paul et Virginie, who inspired many artists.
The highlight of the tour is only a few cm2, there are two postage stamps of the world's most famous. The rarest and therefore the most expensive in the world: The famous "one penny orange red" not canceled and the "two pence blue" not canceled, published in 1847 (a letter mailed from Port Louis to a wine merchant in Bordeaux) .
Their value is in fact an anomaly in the wording of the stamp.
Explanation: In 1847, the governor's wife organized a masked ball and decides to cancel his invitation, as she is wont to do in Britain since 1840. It therefore asks to watch "artist" of all kinds, print labels for the occasion. However, this man serious "Post Office" instead of "Post Paid". Several stamps appear so before the shot is rectified. The error is repeated and the "Post Office" become the object of a quest.
In 1902, the son of a rich merchant Bordeaux hear about stamps and discovered the famous "one penny" and "two pence" on an envelope addressed to his father.
These Post Office, Treasures of the World Philately, were purchased in 1993 by a consortium of Mauritius for the modest sum of 2.2 million U.S. $.
Today, given the fragility of stamps, originals are not exposed one month per year. The rest of the time you only see reproductions..

Port Louis Theatre

Designed by the French architect Pierre Poujade Theatre of Port Louis was built in the nineteenth century to the time of the English governor, Sir Robert Farquhar. Inaugurated in 1822, it was reopened in 1944 after major work. This magnificent building is considered one of the oldest theaters in the Italian southern hemisphere. Symbol of the country's cultural life, he was constantly repaired and restored to cope with cyclones and address aging.

Le jardin de la compagnie

The garden, which once belonged to the French East India Company (hence the name), was long the favorite promenade of Portlouisiens who could admire many statues offered by foreign rulers. The garden over the gifts became a veritable pantheon of Mauritius, as well as the Place d'Armes. Today, we especially admire the many banyan vines that invade the space lanes.

The Most Beautiful Beaches in Mauritius to View

Most of the beaches of Mauritius are famous and beautiful paradisiaquement with its fine sand a dazzling white and turquoise clear water, their row of casuarinas and coconut trees along them. You have the choice: Some popular beaches.

Trou aux Biches (North)

Large and beautiful white sand beach. You can have access to many places. Ideal for a relaxing good face to the sun and to dive into the lagoon with your palms

Mont-Choisy (North)

Very nice family beach also. This is the gathering place for the family picnic Mauritian Sunday. Atmosphere. On weekdays, the beach is less crowded and therefore more quiet.

Grand Bay (North)

First region of the island to fully experience the tourist off, Grand Baie naturally became inevitable over time. You will find some very nice beaches, especially that of the "bowl" that is worth seeing. It is opposite the hotel Mauricia. Grand Bay is the center of excellence for sailing, windsurfing and waterskiing. Faced with these beaches, it is also the paradise of shopping and entertainment, this is also the place hectic nights Mauritius (numerous restautants, bars, discos).

Pereybere (North)

This remarkable small cove half-way along the coast between Grand Baie and Cap Malheureux is probably due to its clear blue waters, one of the best places on the island for swimming.

Cap Malheureux(North)

The village of Grand Baie with its red roof chapel, open on the northern islands and large fishing community, is one of the most picturesque villages of the island.
Off Cape unhappy, profiles the five small islands: Coin de Mire - Flat Island, which hosts a lighthouse - the'' Gabriel island is bordered by the Barrier Reef - The Snake Island - the Ile Ronde. This island is the subject of some protected animals, such as: the Phaeton, a species of lizard typical dish of the island, and several species of lizards and snakes, and a variety of birds.

Roches Noires (North East)

The air is crisp, excellent fishing, this site is very popular because the breeze that cools the air blows over the warmer months. The island is made popular for surfing and surfing kit.

Trou d'eau douce and Belle Mare (Eastern)

Belle Mare has a long and beautiful golden beach with a deep lagoon. You will find ten kilometers of beautiful beaches shaded, uncrowded weekday. You can enjoy the tranquility of its beautiful secluded beaches. Facing the beach in Belle Mare, there is the waterpark "The Waterpark"

L'île aux cerfs (Eastern)
Water sports paradise for some, the most beautiful beaches of the island to the other.
While ultra tourism, the place remains the paradise beaches along its coastline are beautiful. On site, all kinds of water sports and games will be offered, along with a restaurant and craft products.

Grand River South East

Grande Rivière Sud-Est is a curiosity. The broad estuary is flanked by spectacular gorges adorned with beautiful waterfalls. Privileged place for excursions departing for Ile aux Cerfs.

Pointe d'Esny & Blue Bay (Southeast)

The beaches of Pointe d'Esny & Blue Bay are also small paradise with tan safely.
This coast is adorned its finest assets: Surrounded by a semicircle of casuarina trees, is one of the nicest on the island with its white sand, crystal clear water and coral of all shapes, deep waters a blue light, ideal for water sports. While Blue Bay is a paradise for snorkelers who explore its fabulous marine park with its exceptional coral gardens, including many fish are visible as parrotfish, trumpet fish and small barracudas. Boats in glass-bottom outputs for snorkeling.
Tip Esny also the happiness of windsurfers and kitsurfers. to see the islands of Southeast and egrets Island is one of the few areas of land accessible to the public or Mauritian vegetation is 100% endemic. She is a true eco-tour.

Blue Bay

Many fish are visible as parrotfish, trumpet fish and small barracudas. Boats in glass-bottom outputs for snorkeling.

Le Morne Brabant (Southwest)

South-west of the island, The Morne is an amazing place, a magical contrast, a unique encounter between land and sea beaches of Le Morne are known to be the most beautiful of the island, its waters are outrageously clear and warm. This peninsula surrounded by a wide lagoon is dominated by the Morne Brabant, amazing rock and place of memory where refugees were runaway slaves in their escape to find freedom. Le Morne Brabant is visible from Flic-en-Flac and watch over the stretch of beach.
Nothing is easier to see this monumental stone block which gives a superb view: one of the most wonderful of Mauritius.

Wolmar Tamarin-(Western)

The beaches begin just after Flic en Flac southwest, these beaches offer its coasts to tan and swim. Beach very popular and known for surfing and surfing kit.


Small quiet beach, quiet, comfortable.
A little history: This site is one of five Martello towers built by the British in the main bays of the island to prevent external attacks from the sea today, this Martello Tower was restored and Visitors can admire its ingenious layout. You can see the huge gun and its operating system and a multitude of objects found near the tower during archaeological excavations.

Black River (Western)

It is the center of big game fishing in the high seas of Mauritius.

Tamarin (Western)

The vast bay of Tamarin retained a wild appearance. In July and August, Mauritians and tourists warned to practice surfing. Another feature of Tamarin salt that can be seen at the entrance of the village. The hot and dry climate of this region can produce salt from sea water pumped and filtered and then dried in the sun. The bay is popular with dolphins can admire bench. However, strict laws are in place to ensure their protection.

Flic en Flac (Western)

The beach of Flic en Flac is one of the most popular West Coast. The weekend is packed with families who come to relax after a week of work. The beach along the road and through the city. It is the largest of the western region with several kilometers of white sand and offers the most beautiful sunsets on the island. Flic en Flac is also a place bubbling with activities during the day and in the evening with pubs, restaurants, nightclubs etc.. She also became one of the main attractions of the island with its beautiful white beaches surrounded by crystal clear sea blue azure clear and Filaos green wood. An incredible show for people who love diving, with its beautiful coral reefs. It is considered one of the most beautiful beaches of the Indian Ocean.

Our heart beating
- The trip to the island blue "Island Benitiers." You leave early in the morning or Black River Flic en Flac boat or speed boat or catamaran to go on the island. Enjoy to see the dolphins in the lagoon, making a dive to discover the diversity of wildlife. Arrival on the island, you will be greeted by Sega surrounded by beautiful creature on the island. Program, visit the island, eating kebabs, lobsters, and of course rum to digest it all.
- Ile aux Cerfs is one of the most visited places of Mauritius is located on the east coast, opposite the village of Trou d'Eau Douce. It is a sunny island with great beaches shaded by casuarinas. Kiosks, small markets and restaurants charmers give unique character to this enchanting island that can be reached by taking the boat in Trou d'Eau Douce.
- The Flat Island and Ilot Gabriel little lost 1h30 boat north of Mauritius. Of course the Virgin Islands are still preserved, but it is not uncommon to find a dozen catamarans and trimarans crowded with tourists. Business requires this kind of ballad attracts more onlookers, but rest assured, these islands are protected and you will discover a magnificent flora and fauna.

Visit some cities

Pamplemousses (North)

Garden Grapefruit: Like many things, it is still Mahé de La Bourdonnais that we owe the creation of this vast botanical garden, certainly one of the finest in the world and also one of the most beautiful places lde Mauritius
Aventure du Sucre: A Maurice sugar has the gold color and the scent of childhood memories. Like any treasure, he had his casket ... That is done with the Aventure du Sucre. Come and discover this beautiful and extraordinary exhibition, housed in the former Beau Plan sugar factory, in the heart of old machinery! A visit for everyone, both young and thanks to its large number of films, quizzes, interactive games, the cartoon and many other surprises! You go back in time in the history of Mauritius, a journey of nearly four centuries, discover the secrets of its various sugars and all the soul of a nation whose heart shoe has always been the seasons of the cut . A new and original tour that will open the doors of the authentic Mauritius!

Triolet (North)

Triolet is not only the longest village on the island, this is also where you can visit the biggest Hindu temple, the temple Maheswarnath. The Shivala was built in honor of the gods Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu, Muruga, Brahma and Ganesha among others.

Goodlands market (North)

Goodlands, a large village of 14,000 inhabitants, comes alive during the fairs which are held on Tuesdays and Fridays for fabrics and clothing (ready-to-wear, printed cottons, saris), Wednesdays and Saturdays for fruits and vegetables.

Pailles (The Centre)

The Estate is nestled in the valleys of "Moka Range." Anyone here has arrived rendezvous with the past of Mauritius, cultural diversity and art.
A few minutes from Port Louis, the capital. As you visit the area:
Carriage: Climb aboard one of our authentic "Deauvilles" drawn by black cobs to drift away without ever getting lost in the maze of paths through the sugar cane plantations. The rhythm of the horse's steps, make a detour through the spice garden before exploring the traditional architecture of the ancient Isle of France. Train: Take a ride on Lady Alice, our mini train around the sugar cane plantations.
4 x 4: Discover the area at the heart of our nature reserve with our driver guides.

Grand Bassin (Center)

Located not far from the Mare aux Vacoas, Grand Bassin is one of the two natural lakes of the island. It occupies the crater of an extinct volcano. It is a place of pilgrimage for the majority of Mauritian Hindu faith.

Rose-Hill (Centre)

Cultural center and lively student town, the town of Rose Hill is worth a visit for its colonial-style town hall, the Italian theater, The Plaza, an art gallery, a shopping district Arab Town.

Curepipe (Centre)

Curepipe is a major residential towns of the island, with shops and restaurants. Between Curepipe and Floreal is the spectacular Trou aux Cerfs, an extinct volcano nearly 85m deep and wide over 200m, where you have a panoramic view of almost the entire island.

Fair Quatre Bornes (Centre)

Quatre Bornes, a major residential towns of Mauritius, leads the day fairs - Thursdays and Sundays. Fair Quatre Bornes is best known for its variety of fabrics and clothing (ready-to-wear, cotton printed sarees) at low prices. Bargains in perspective!

Chamarel (The Centre)
Chamarel is a small village known for its earth colors, waterfall and its path "adventure". The colors of Chamarel lands colors Chamarel is a sort of clearing that has seven color variations, ranging from ocher and brown, red and purple. Once mixed, they always stay together. This phenomenon is due to the presence of volcanic ash containing mineral oxides of different colors. Waterfall Chamarel waterfall can be admired at the top of a promontory. It is also possible to go down and bathe. This site is amazingly beautiful. For young and old, you can experience intense moments in the Parc Aventure Chamarel. It is located in a unique setting in the Heart of a 12 hectare tropical forest. The Parc Aventure Chamarel, you will discover a new concept of recreational sports. Large and small, sports or not, evolve from tree to tree, trails trails, with a harness and subsequently assembled a lifeline (safety). To take advantage of the exceptional views from the site, kiosks have been specially designed to strategic locations in the park, overlooking the valley of Chamarel, Piton de la Petite Rivière Noire. The Parc Aventure Chamarel gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful experience at this level, in a fit: this is why this site is unique in Mauritius, has two air routes can be chained sequentially.
Flacq (Eastern)

To the east of Mauritius, Flacq is a lively village crossroads of intense life. Near the judiciary, historical building stands on Wednesdays and Sundays, one of the largest open air markets in the country.

Mahebourg (Southeastern)
Former capital of the island under French rule, the village of Mahebourg as the city of Port Louis retained some traces of its colonial architecture. Dand located south east of the island about fifteen minutes from the airport, this historic village houses the Naval Museum, witness the great naval battle that took place in Mahebourg between the French and the English in 1810 for the appropriation of the island. This village is now a quiet coastal village, except maybe in market days. However, with the construction of a 'Waterfront', like that of Port Louis, Mahebourg will certainly develop into major tourist attraction in the south in the years to come.
Visits and other activities

Ethnographic Museum of Indian Immigration (The Centre)

This museum evokes the influx of Indian coolies as incurred as a result of the abolition of slavery in Mauritius, entered into force in 1835. In 1909 the suspension of Indian immigration, they were 450,000. Today, their descendants represent two-thirds of the Mauritian population. This ethnographic museum detailing, with strength and supporting documents, the daily lives of Indian workers in the nineteenth century.

Museum Victoria 1840

Victoria 1840 is a former sugar mill, carefully renovated building and Timeless Heritage of Mauritius. This institution devoted to the concept of wellness, home Maniglier Foundation and the Museum of Contemporary Art. The Foundation is alive, like a theater. Its gastronomic restaurant, Le Café des Arts offers a contemporary cuisine. Maniglier is the last student of the great master Henri Matisse.

Casela (Western)

1500 birds, mammals and a variety of interactive farm in 14 acres of beautiful gardens, this is the magic of Casela. Whether you choose to come with family or lovers, Casela will charm you. Two visiting hours are necessary to enjoy the attractions of this park.

Hiking (Western)

The West and the country are places for long walks or incursions more active in nature. Reserve Yemen allows you to approach several herds of deer, zebras and antelopes and admire some beautiful specimens of the fauna of Mauritius. These hiking paths are also recommended: Le Morne Brabant (500 m) for a magnificent panorama on the corner of West and South coasts, La Tourelle de Tamarin (548 meters), a 360 ° view revealing the west coast Valley of Yemen and the mountain barrier which supports the central plains, and the Black River Gorges where you can admire deer, monkeys, wild boar and endemic birds.

Mahebourg (Southeast)

One of the main fishing centers on the island, Mahebourg is built on the magnificent Grand Port Bay. Founded in 1804 by the French Governor Charles Decaen Mahébourg witnessed the only naval victory over the French Napoleonic. This victory is also inscribed on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Major center of economic life under French administration, Mahébourg was also known for its slave market. This place full of emotions is one of the few on the island where this particular period of history is etched in stone. At the entrance to the city, the Castle Robillard, French colonial building of the eighteenth century, houses the National History Museum. Antique maps, prints, pottery, swords pirates, shipwrecks fragments ... trace the rich maritime history of the island.

Ile aux Aigrettes (Southeast)

On this small island, the Island of Egrets, precious remnants of a coastal forest, long extinct dodo our refuge, still exist and are home to many species of plants and animals unique to Mauritius and endangered. The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation has cleared, replanted and restored 90% of this island, reintroducing plants, birds and reptiles native recreating the sanctuary of flora and fauna that can not be seen anywhere else. Discover the ancient world: the pink pigeon rescued after 20 years of effort and giant tortoises in the wild. Imagine this extinct fauna with a unique collection of 10 bronze sculptures by artist Nick Bibby and exposed on the island.

Baie du Cap (Southern)

This is a pretty deep bay. An eponymous village, inhabited by farmers and fishermen. Nearby, the village of Saint-Martin and Choisy, the latter famous for being the landing place of the survivors of the steam Trevessa, which sank in 1923 en route to Australia.

Bel Ombre (The South)

As Baie du Cap, again, you will be facing a pretty deep bay with a sandy beach, quiet and relaxing area. Here you can visit the sugar cane plantations of the island's most famous, also celebrated in the famous novel "Paul et Virginie" by Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. Around culture, a forest of 800 hectares, with a fauna and flora of rare species and the presence of many deer. Inside the castle of Bel Ombre, an ancient and beautiful colonial house.

Riambel (Southern)

The village, whose name probably comes from a Malagasy word. It means "sunny beach." Riambel is a fascinating demonstration of the ethnic, cultural and religious identity of the island.

Souillac (Southern)

The name comes from the Vicomte de Souillac, governor of the island from 1779 to 1787, it is the largest village on the southern coast. Souillac is a village perched on the rugged coast of the Savanne furiously beaten by waves. The charm of Souillac lies in its wild landscape: steep cliffs that scans the entire year the powerful breath of the ocean, in contrast to the quiet beaches of the north. Garden Telfair sea, named Charles Telfair, who fought long for better living conditions esclaves.offre shade and greenery. Other attractions: the cliffs of Gris-Gris offering a vantage point, sculpted by erosion and falling Rochester. Photo enthusiasts will make beautiful pictures for beautiful sunsets. A little further, you can approach the Roche crying. It is a rock formation on the sea where the waves crashing on the reefs, giving the impression of a rock cry. Originally Souillac is a simple fishing village and plantation workers

Vanille Crocodile Park (Southern)

A little farther from Souillac, 2 km from Rivière-des Aiguilles, we meet the park naturalist "Vanille Crocodile Park." The strange name comes from the union of two resources: a culture of Vanilla, she was one of the activities in the region, and the crocodile farm. It is a beautiful green park where you can more crocodiles, admire the different species of monkeys, giant tortoises and iguanas. .... And especially his beautiful insect museum.

Go shopping

The island's reputation as a shopping paradise has been strengthened by the diversity and quality of shopping possibilities. Found everywhere in Mauritius many markets, malls, specialty shops, craft shops, art galleries and many shops offering original products of high quality at very attractive prices.
Gold jewelry, textiles, factories models boats, spices and other products: These are the main points to purchase Maurice excels.
Gold jewelry: A tradition of work on jewelry 18 and 22 carat gold, dating from ancient Eastern wisdom: the products of this art are visible in Floreal, not far from the capital, in rooms of exposure of some big names like Poncini, Caunhye, Shiwa Jewels, It's Wahed, Gold Finger, and Matikola Adamas to diamonds.
textiles: Equally great sets of garments. Manufacturing units of these brands in many stores on the island. Local brands and Fast-Forward models are refined clothes, stylish sweaters can be found at Floreal. Knitwear (supplier of many international negotiations), while lovers of oriental fabrics can choose between the beautiful sari weaving silk and cotton available in stores Rose Hill.
Various products and spices Gourmets will surely make homemade jellies (those are delicious Company Agricultural Labourdonnais Mapou). The famous Victoria pineapple. Fragrant spices, delicious canned vegetables left soaked in oil and chilli, you will also find tea and flavored rum.
Factories models boat models: Do not miss at least one visit to a factory (at the top Sailboats Ocean in Curepipe and Historic Navy Goodlands, in the north of Mauritius) and are reproduced with meticulous expertise, models of all sizes, ships all ages. You can find boats worldwide fame as the Bounty, and the Cutty Sark Trust, pirate ship moored by Robert Surcouf in Mauritius in 1792 against British ships.

Souvenirs to buy

Many memories are back to Mauritius. As mentioned above, the most sought remains famous model boat, known worldwide. Finely restored according to the original plans, each model provided a lot of details regardless of the model chosen. Cleverly packaged by the manufacturers, these models will be supported by all airlines, accustomed to carry this type of merchandise, with however an additional cost depending on the size and weight of the model.
Jewelry is also sought. Heir to a long tradition, particularly among Hindus and Muslims in the jewelry Mauritius offers many products around the 18 or 22 karat gold, diamond, pearl. Most jewelers also offers many watch models of almost all international brands at very attractive prices.


Our Good Plans


Whether you're a diver or attempted by baptism, amateur biologist or seasoned photographer, if the mysteries of the sea fascinate you, we invite you to travel to another dimension, in Mauritius, in the heart of the ocean India. Mauritius is an opportunity not to be missed for contact with the beauty of the underwater world. The water temperature is generally mild, with a maximum 28 ° C in summer and 24 ° C in winter, which makes diving and snorkeling an enjoyable activity passable throughout the year. For those who want to snorkel or dive on organizing Other beaches on the island, we organize trips in collaboration with dive centers. The hotels are also equipped with everything needed for diving and snorkeling. You can participate in guided dives to 25 and 40 meters. The island is surrounded by three-quarters of coral reefs. Turquoise lagoons offer and make beautiful waters around Mauritius. It's like a paradise where you will discover the most spectacular fish. You can cross elegant moray eels, stonefish the Hunt for the wrasse, parrot fish, butterfly fish, collect nudibranchs, and more ...

Why diving in Mauritius? The Mascarene Islands (Mauritius, Rodrigues, Reunion) were spared by the El Nino effect that damaged the seabed of the Indo-Pacific and sometimes over 90%. Mauritius was affected only about 02%. By against the opposite effect (increased temperature but lower) promoted shoot faster some coral species such as stony corals and acropores. Their colors were a bit dull before, today these corals can be yellow or fluorescent green apple or orange. Diving in Mauritius has diversified in favorable conditions and often very easy. Still confidential despite a reputation that starts to spread word of mouth, scuba diving in Mauritius is full of surprises, but safely. The M.S.D.A. (Mauritian Scuba Diving Association) plays an active role in the field and is affiliated to CMAS (World Confederation of Underwater Activities).

What make the difference between Mauritius and other destinations? A seabed rich with exceptional corals at some sites, dives for all levels, a depth that is not limited to 30 meters as to other destinations in the Indian Ocean, a rich fauna with many endemic or rare species, some wrecks accessible so diverse dives to suit all and a paradise for underwater photographer.

Big game fishing

Historically, big game fishing in Mauritius was an important activity for Mauritius.
Angling won in Mauritius to be among the big-game fishing destinations most popular in the world because, among other things, many international records, including that of the Blue Marlin.

With several world records, Mauritius is a destination renowned big-game fishing.
The best times of the year season for fishing big vat November to May Mauritian waters teeming with marlin (blue and black), blue shark, hammerhead sharks, tiger sharks, yellowfin tuna, swordfish stolen, bonito, barracuda and bream. but trips can be arranged at other times, in the short term after consulting the weather. The king fish remains blue marlin (blue marlin). Some fishermen keep the memory of heroic battles for several hours to come to grips with this giant of the ocean, as strong as resistant. Yellowfin tuna, some specimens reach 90 kgs, and wahoo (barracuda) are also good catches. Big game fishing is now one of the most popular excursions and services have improved over time. Some operators operate some very professional boats 40 to 50 feet, very equipped and adapted to the high seas, they are able to gain the benches in a few hours. These boats are skippered by experts in local conditions, knowing "read" the current, the surface of the sea and bird activity to locate schools. The equipment is sophisticated and replaced regularly. Fishing methods have evolved as well, thus the "Tag & Release" is now encouraged by the major operators. Fishing boats are generally rented exclusively for a half day or a full day, including lunch and drinks. Mauritius offers excellent fishing. Past the reef, a few minutes by boat enough to win the open sea and shoals of fish. The west coast where the center of the Big Game Fishing Black River is the most famous of the island. It is here that takes place every year in November the "Blue Marlin World Cup." Competition attracting the biggest names in the world of big game fishing Rodrigues Island also reserves surprises, despite more difficult conditions and a limited number of boats.
Some large hotels have their own fleet nautical centers of the island organize fishing trips at sea, ranging from half-day (6 hours) for the whole day (9am). Boats can take more people, which allows you to share the bill but limits the number of taken personal.
Fish always return to the boat owner. It is possible to buy it for cooking or doing stuff as trophies.
Attention, a fishing does not take lightly: waiting at sea can be very long and tiring, especially because of the sun or rough seas



Choose Mauritius as a priority Reward avid hiker, unique landscapes, beautiful waterfalls, Hindu temples, the sacred lake, land of seven colors. The height of 828 meters (Piton de la Petite Rivière Noire), followed by a decline in spades on (Rampart Mountain and Pieter Both). The Black River Gorges National Park great opportunities to dive into the wonderful green landscape during the flowering period (September-January), the park contains the endemic plants such as tambalacoque the ebony trees and wild such as Chinese guava. Along the section of Petrin in Grande Riviere Noire to the river, you can enjoy some of the best views of all the highlands of Mauritius: The topography of the southwest coast, Tamarin, the fascinating fields of sugar cane.


Scoring his side british, Mauritius has excellent golf courses in well-appointed executives superbes.Six magnificent 18-hole course, all international standards, will delight fans of the little white ball:
- Vacoas Gymkhana Club
- Dinarobin / Paradise at Le Morne
- The Belle Mare Plage Hotel, which has two 18-hole
- Ile aux Cerfs Golf Course One & Only Le Touessrok
- Le Telfair Golf & Spa Resort.
- Tamarina Golf Club
You can also practice your swing on the other 9-hole course located primarily in major hotels on the island:
- Hotel / Maritim in Balaclava
- One & Only Le Saint Geran in Pointe de Flacq
- Shandrani Blue Bay
- Sofitel Imperial in Wolmar
- Hotel Trou aux Biches in Trou aux Biches.
These hotels have a club house, a private security guard for customer equipment and a shop. Balls, clubs and trolleys are available for hire ..


Blue Safari– Le Sub-marine
Experience a unique and unforgettable diving board a real submarine! Comfortably installed in a cabin heated at atmospheric pressure, you dive to 35 meters deep and discover the amazing underwater scenery of the island. For nearly 45 minutes, you will discover shipwreck, coral and anchor the 17th century. Amazement guaranteed for anyone 2-77 years.

Blue Safari – Le Sub-scooter
The most original underwater excursions! What a pleasure to drive yourself or couple its own submarine by 3 meters depth for 35 minutes, safely under the supervision of a guide tube. You discover the magic of Mauritian fauna and flora and across a wide transparent dome and pan. No need to be a swimmer to enjoy. Minimum age: 12 years.
Speed ??limits in specific areas of the lagoon is 5 knots. This measure is applied to Flic-en-Flac and Trou d'Eau Douce. Other regions of Mauritius seaside follow.

The Kite-surf
Kite surfing is the sensational new business created by the merger of a kite ('kite' in English), surfing, and a little slip of all activities. They are Brittany (France, Atlantic coast) who developed the first there ten years. Kitesurfing magic comes from the combination of elements: water, space, wind, and changes in both water and air! Very spectacular kite-surfing is yet to everyone. In about 4 days in a vocational school in Mauritius, a novice begins to slide on the water safely! With its turquoise lagoons, winds its regular and its white sandy beaches, Mauritius is a paradise for kite surfing, able to compete with the best spots (practice sites) in the world.

Langue: Tour Operator, Blue Coral Tour © Italy Tour Limited - Brn: C07070544